Gifted Eligibility Process Informational Meeting Tritt’s Target Team will hold our annual Gifted Eligibility Process Informational Meeting on Thursday, September 1st, at 6:00 p.m. in the ILC. We will explain Cobb County’s eligibility process and criteria for the gifted program. If you are wondering about this process and how it relates to your child or have specific questions, please plan to join us on September 1st! Our school wide STEM day is Wednesday, August 31st. Tritt would like to have DUDES Dads Using Days to Educate Children) to come help in our room. If you would like to come help out during our STEM challenge, email me. We will be creating a mixture similar to glue with solids and liquids. Plan to get a little messy :) Reminders: Your child should record the books they read for their 20 minutes of reading each night on their 200 Book Club logs. You should check and initial your child's agenda each night. Remind your child to bring back their books on Friday for ILC. What are we learning in 302? Reading; continuing with the structure of a fictional story Writing: Publishing our first narrative and beginning a narrative of choice focusing on a small moment and adding lots of sensory details to strengthen our writing Math: Addition Strategies to 20 and reviewing place value concepts Science: 3 states of matter and how they change Word Work: open-syllable patterns STEM: design a glue from solids and liquids and experiment with how many beans the glue can hold
This week is Team Up week! Each day is a different theme. Monday, August 22nd “Step Up” to being a good teammate Wear your Kind is the New Cool shirt and favorite sneakers and “Stomp Out” teasing and bullying. Good teammates build each other up and do not tear each other down! Tuesday, August 23rd “Teamwork is what it is all about” Wear your favorite team jersey, shirt or sweatshirt then talk to a “new” friend about rooting for the same team! Wednesday, August 24th “Write it out Wednesday!” So many people make our team terrific - Let them know! Write a note of thanks or encouragement and bring it to them today! We will write notes of thanks in class and deliver them as well. We will also have our first MIX IT UP event of the school year in the café during lunch. Thursday, August 25th “What’s on the inside matters most” Wear your shirt inside out today showing others that you know what is on the inside is what makes a good teammate! Friday, August 26th “ United ONE team” Wear your Tritt shirts or Orange and Blue. We are all on one amazing team- TEAM TRITT! Wednesday is Picture Day! Polish your child's smile and pick out a favorite outfit. Friday is ILC day. Help your child remember to bring back their books to check out new ones. What are we learning in Room 302? Reading- learning about the structure of a story with a focus on main idea and problem and solution. Writing- continuing to write narratives of choice and edit for correct capitalization. We are also working to revise our stories to add more descriptive details with adjectives. Math- working on reading and writing numbers to 999 spelling them correctly and continuing to practice place value Content- states of matter Word Work- focusing on the CVCe pattern (cope, slope, rake, slate, mice) STEM: planning out a design for building a tower with the greatest value up to 999 using graham crackers for hundreds, pretzel rods for tens, and marshmallows for ones. Donations: ***Thank you for sending in Play-doh. *** Looking forward, we'd love graham crackers, pretzel stick and small marshmallows for our STEM lesson. Below are a few pictures of us from the garden last week. Thank you for joining us for Open House. We had a wonderful turn out. The children were very excited about the notes you left on their desk.
Reminders: *Please sign their agenda each night. *Reading logs will begin on Monday. They should be kept in their agenda until their complete. *Check over your child's homework, please. *ILC books come back on Friday. *Your child should read 20 minutes each night and record their books on their 200 Book Club Log. What are we learning in 302? Reading: structure of a story Writing: narrative writing with a focus on structure and complete sentences Math: continuing place value Content: wrap up our study of seasons; we'll revisit this throughout the year as the seasons change. We'll begin discussing the 3 states of matter. Word Work: review nouns, verbs, and proper nouns and focus on closed syllable patterns Donations: Play-doh We had such a fun first week of school! We spent the week getting to know each other and going over routines and expectations of second grade. We also starting digging into our curriculum. Thursday is Open House. There will be two sessions. The first from 6 – 6:45 and the second will follow at 7:00. If you are interested in attending the Target Open House, it begins at 5:30 in the Media Center. Information: -Your child should be writing their daily assignments in their agenda. Every night they will need to read 20 minutes in addition to the assignment. After Open House, there will be a reading log for tracking their reading. I first want to go over it with you all. You should initial your child’s agenda each night showing they discussed their assignments with you and they completed their homework. -On Thursday they will need to bring an object that signifies a memory they have. It could be a trophy from their sports team, a photograph, a stuffed animal, a shell from a beach trip, etc. Discuss the memory with your child. They will be using this item to write a narrative about an experience they have had. What are We Learning in 302? Reading: We are beginning our Reader’s Workshop model, we’ll discuss how to choose Just Right Books, and towards the end of the week we’ll discuss character, setting, and main idea and how identifying these helps us better understand our stories. Writing: We will begin narrative writing by discussing where writers get ideas. We’ll explore the structure of narrative writing by studying books read aloud. Towards the end of the week, we’ll write a narrative about a memory we have. Math: Place Value: we’ll build 3-digit numbers with base ten blocks, understand what place value means, and understand that 3-digit numbers are made of hundreds, tens, and ones. We’ll begin to write number names towards the end of the week. Practice spelling the number words written in their agendas. Content: seasons Thank You for the donations sent in. We are really enjoying the playground ball and Band-aids! |
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