Enjoy your fall break!
Over fall break, please take a picture of your child doing something and send it in with them on Monday. It can be something they did on vacation or just them relaxing in their pjs. We will use these pictures to help us in writing. Looking ahead... International Walk To School Day at TrittWednesday, Oct. 5 We would like to invite you to walk/ bike to school on Wednesday, Oct 5. You can walk/bike with your parents or you can join the Tritt Staff at the following spots:
Our Safety Village field trip will be Wednesday, October 5th. What are we Learning in 302 the week after break? Reading: We will ask and answer questions as we read about the Creek and Cherokee Indians and Sequoya. Writing: We will write our final narrative for quarter 1 using a strong beginning, sensory details, and a closure. Math: Graphing Content: Creeks, Cherokees, and Sequoya Word Work: Long i digraph syllable patterns (pie, night)
This week we made class posters and attended a pep rally to pump us up for next Tuesday’s Kickball game! Go Tritt Tigers!
Next Friday we will be going to the ILC for our lesson. Don’t forget to bring your library books! Also, next week we will have a fire safety lesson from the Cobb County Fire Dept. to prepare for our upcoming field trip. Have a great weekend! What are we learning in 302? Math- One step word problems to 20 and solving word problems with nickels, dimes, and pennies. Reading- Understanding key details (W questions), using context clues to figure out new words (use information gained from pictures & words), plurals (s, es, and ies) Word Work- Long e spelling and reading patterns (peach, yield, key, bee) Writing- Personal Narratives (small moments) Social Studies/Science- Regions of Georgia STEM- 3D Regions Challenge
*-Bring in Box Tops for the school collection. The class with the most wins a Popsicle Party. -Please purchase your tickets for the Tritt vs. Mt. Bethel Kickball game. I will be in the crowd cheering on Tritt with William and Charlotte! -record your 20 minutes of reading on reading logs -bring back ILC books on Friday What are We Learning in 302? Reading: continuing with asking questions and making predictions to understand our text better and answering questions about our reading Writing: revising and editing our small moment narrative and publish it in the computer lab using Word. Math: using our understanding of related facts and missing addend to make equations true and balance the equations making both sides equal Social Studies: learning and applying cardinal directions while learning the major rivers in GA and Georgia's regions. Word Work: through reading and spelling we'll study long o digraph spelling patterns: boat, crow, hoe STEM: We will look back at our structure we build a few weeks ago and revise and improve our plans and rebuild the structures to be more successful Coming up:
No school on Monday. Please plan to join us September 20th at 5 p.m. at the Walton baseball field to cheer on the Tritt Tiger Staff! Proceeds go to Rally Foundation. William, Charlotte, and I will be cheering on the players. Come help us!! Tuesday is Donut Sale: $1 per donut in the cafe. Proceeds go the Rally Foundation. The students may bring their donut to class to enjoy during morning work. Friday is our ILC lesson. Bring back library books. What are we learning in 302? Reading: We are continuing to work on the structure of fictional stories (problem, solution, main idea, and moral lesson). We'll also begin to ask and answer questions as we read to better understand our stories. Writing: We will focus on a small moment narrative. Maybe they will have a new experience to write about after their Labor Day weekend. We'll strengthen our narrative using descriptive details. Math: Addition and subtraction strategies to 20. We'll focus on making a 10, needy 9, doubles, and near doubles to fluently solve equations. Word Work: Long a digraph syllable patterns (sleigh, braid, steak, hay) We'll also focus on irregular plural nouns Content: We'll wrap up the changes of matter and begin to study the regions of GA. STEM: We'll reflect on our Stuck like Glue challenge from last week and create a bar graph to show our results. |
January 2017
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