I’m so happy to be back with my class. They have grown lots. We have a full week before spring break.
The school store will be open every morning this week. Reading:
oo sounds (like brook and spoon) Content:
Happy Monday!
It's Exceptional Children's Week - Upcoming! Today: guidance Tomorrow: STEM showcase - we are creating Math games Exceptional Children's speaker Thursday: Mrs. Woolley returns :) Math Night ~~~Join us for Math Night on March 24, 2016! It takes place at the Publix on Shallowford Road (at Johnson Ferry Rd.) from 5-7:00 p.m. Math Night presents students with an opportunity to extend their mathematical understanding in a real-world context. Parents get a first-hand look at how their children apply understanding and may even learn something new themselves. Students see that Math is relevant and fun, and we all connect with a great resource and partner in education. The Papa John’s pizza truck will sell pizzas for $10 a pie. Pick one (or more!) up for dinner. Teachers at the front of the store distribute grade-level problems, clipboards, and pencils. Kids and their parents then go on a scavenger hunt to answer questions. The answer sheet acts as a homework pass for the following day. Be sure to download a QR code reader so kids can check their answers. Please note: Teachers will have a few extra sheets for students who have a conflict on Thursday night but who wish to complete the scavenger hunt and problems over the weekend. Any students completing the task over the weekend should submit their sheets on Monday; teachers will work with those students to arrange for a homework pass. FRIDAY: Revved Up Kids - 3rd session guidance Field Day order forms due ....... In the Curriculum: Math: Review -- adding subtracing - up to 1000 - review regrouping Language Arts: multi-paragraph text - prefixes and root words Writing: Persuasive Writing - - we are discussing school uniforms. Pros and Cons. We will write a persuasive piece to persuade you one way or the other. Social Studies: Jimmy Carter - identifying contributions and timeline Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Reminders: Author's Tea is tomorrow morning at 7:20am! See you then! Jump Rope For Heart (American Heart Association) - the annual jump rope for heart campaign is starting today. Forms and details are coming home in folders today - all fundraising is due to the PE teachers by the end of the month - March 31st. Tomorrow is also the last day of Quarter 3.. Report cards go home March 22nd. Friday - there is NO Game Day on Friday - just in case you didn't receive Mrs. Smarr's email. We have a lot of kiddos that go to Game Day. This week in the classroom: Language Arts: ~multi- paragraph text, root words, sort 27 Writing: ~ persuasive writing & Jimmy Carter Math: Review - place value and money word problems, coin exchange and values Social Studies: Jimmy Carter This week...
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Book fair: Monday through Thursday - it is open before school and after school. We had our class preview today. The students took clipboards and made wish lists of their top picks. They are coming home today - It is open after school hours until 6pm Today and tomorrow and open until 4pm Wednesday and Thursday. TOMORROW - CLASS picture day and individuals for anyone who chooses to. Wednesday - Collaboration. Thank you to the volunteers covering the class! Friday - our Field Trip to the Cobb Safety Village! I have all permission forms (thank you!). Friday is also the end of Quarter 3 - report cards will come home on March 22nd. In the Curriculum..... Language Arts: Folktales and Fairy Tales, Homophones, commas (greetings and closings) r-influenced vowels - sort 26 Math: Money $ Money word problems Writing: Opinion writing - persuasive (commas too) Science/Social Studies: Dental Hygiene * Shadows, Sun Moon Stars Assessment - sending study guide home tomorrow - as a unit review. :) Assessment Thursday |
AuthorWrite something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. Archives
May 2016
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