Reading: Determining the main idea and moral/lesson of fiction stories.
Continuing to work on identifying the problem and solution Math: Addition strategies within 20 (counting on using a number line, needy nine, making a ten) Writing: Continuing to take our personal narratives through the writing process. This week we’re working on drafting and revising and editing a small moment narrative adding sensory details. Social Studies: Beginning a unit on the regions of Georgia and our rivers Science: Four seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter) *Book check-out on Friday! *Don’t forget to fill out your 200 book club log! New logs can be found on the 2nd grade page on the Tritt website or in our classroom. *A few reminders from Tritt… -Lunch visitors are welcome after Labor Day. Thank you for being patient while we get into our routines. -Guest bus riders begin after Labor Day. -Homework/projects will not be delivered to classrooms during the day. Snacks, lunches, glasses, etc. will continue to be delivered. Additional homework for this week: *Study the number words in their agenda. We will have a spelling quiz on Friday. *Practice writing their address using correct capitals and spelling
Thank you to everyone who attended Open House last Thursday. I appreciate you taking your time to come in to see our classroom and learn how we operate. I hope I was able to answer all any questions you had about second grade.
What are we learning in 403? Reading: Introducing schema and how we use our schema while we read. Also, reviewing strategies to use when stuck on a word. We’re in our second week of choosing “just right” books for us and practicing skills modeled during mini lessons. Math: Continuing on our place value unit to 1,000 also working on skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s Writing: working on narrative writing -Your child will bring in an item that reminds them of a memory they have to aid in writing a narrative. Science: continuing our unit on matter and exploring how matter changes STEM: practicing the engineering process to build a tower (Place Value) Reminders: *Fall pictures are August 26th! Every child will get their picture taken for the yearbook. I enjoyed meeting all of you at Meet and Greet and I'm eager to start the school year!
During our first few days we will become familiar with each other and our classroom expectations. A few reminders: *Please check your child's orange communication folder daily and send back every day. *When your child receives their agenda, please check and sign daily. *Please send in a healthy, easy to open snack each day. Important Dates: Monday, August 3 – First Day of School! Thursday, August 13 - Open House (more specific info. coming soon) Wednesday, August 26 – Picture Day Wednesday, September 2 – 10:00 am – Newcomer’s Breakfast in Tritt ILC (formerly called the Media Center) Monday, September 7 – Labor Day – No School! September 12 – 10:00 am – East Cobber Parade – Come see our Teacher of the Year Catherine Tommasello, our Professional of the Year Kim Skiber, Principal Dr. Patterson, AP Mrs. Keesling, & the Tritt Tiger in this annual fun event. Bring bags for free candy! Monday-Friday, Sept 21-25 – Fall Break – No School! |
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